go 的英语短语

时间:2024-02-22 17:41:41
go 的英语短语

go 的英语短语

go 的英语短语,句子的组成成分是词和词组,在文字里遇见更好的自己,好的句子,能够淋漓尽致地展示我们的思想,明天和未来都把握在我们自己的手中,以下是go 的英语短语句子。

  go 的英语短语1

1、go about 着手做;承担 Go about your chores in a responsible way、(请以负责的态度去做你的工作)

2、go along 合作,配合 They get along by going along、(通过合作他们相处很好)

3、go around 走动:四处走动;从一处走到另一处 ;传扬,传播 Rumors going around、(流言四播)

4、go at 进攻:尤指奋力攻击 ;做;执行 He went at the job with a lot of energy、(他工作卖力)

5、go by 消失;经过 As time goes by、(随时光流逝)短期访问,拜访 My parents were away when we went by last week、(上周去看望我的父母,他们不在家)

6、go down 失败,毁灭:体验失败或毁灭 The sun went down、(太阳落山了)The helicopter went down in a ball of fire、(直升机在一团火球中坠落)

7、go in 合伙,加入:加入共同的冒险 Went in with the others to buy a present、(同别人一起买礼物) 接近:前进,接近,如攻击前 Troops went in at dawn、(军队在拂晓向敌人摸近)

8、go off 爆炸:经历爆破;爆炸 响起:发出声音;叫响 The siren went off at noon、(警笛在正午鸣响)离开 Dont go off mad、(不要急于离开)

9、go on 发生;恰巧发生 Didnt know what was going on、(不知道发生了什么事) 继续进行 Life must go on、(生命在延续) She went on to become a senator、(她继续担任参议员10、go out 灭掉,熄灭 ;参加社交活动:出门参加社交活动 He went out at seven、(他在七点钟出门了)Goes out a lot、(常外出参加社交活动)过时:变得不流行,不时髦 High boots went out last year、(去年高筒靴就不流行了11、go over 受欢迎:获得接受,受欢迎 A new style that didnt go over、(不受欢迎的新样式)检查 Go over the test scores、(检查考试成绩)

12、go through 仔细检查 Went through the students papers、(仔细检查学生的论文)经历 We went through hell while working on this project、(执行这一计划时我们经历了许多困难)表演,演奏 I went through the sonata in 30 minutes、(我们用三十分钟演完了这个奏鸣曲)

  go 的英语短语2

go after 追求,设法获得

go on 继续

go on with 继续(后加名词)

go against 反对,违背

go ahead 向前,干吧,说吧,用吧

go by 从旁经过

go down下降,倒下

go up上涨

go in for 酷爱

go over 走过去,温习

go through仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,通过

go wrong出毛病,

go out出去,熄灭

go around到处去,传开

go swimming去游泳

goes on继续;持续

go to school去上学

go to bed上床睡觉

goes home回家

go out for a walk出去散步

go away走开

goes down降落

go back回去

go on with继续做某事

go a little way v.不大有作用,走一点点路

go a long way v.走了一大段路,采取主动

go about v.着手做,从事,走动,传开

go across 走过

go after v.追逐,追求

go against v.反对,违反,不利于

go against the stream v.逆流而行,反潮流

go ahead v.前进

go all lengths v.竭尽全力

go all out v.全力以赴

go all the way v.完全一致

go along v.前进,进行,赞同,支持

go along with v.一起去,赞同,附和

go at v.扑向,着手干,尽全力干

《go 的英语短语.doc》
